Okulistyka Weterynaryjna Marcin Lew

+48 606 917188, +48 515 147 177, Olsztyn, ul. Martyniaka 8 (wejście od ul. Wawrzyczka) okulistyka.lew@gmail.com

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For Clients

General information


Dear Clients

Northern Poland Animal Eye Center Lew admits patients from all over Poland but also from Germany, England, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Lithuania and Belarus. In order to provide comfort and high standard of our services, and to respect your time, we have introduced a telephone registration system through which we can individually adjust the dates of consultations to suit your needs and possibilities

We have 2 phone numbers at your disposal:

606 917 188 and 515 147 177 or e-mail: okulistyka.lew@gmail.com

Our references are backed with years of practice, thousands of performed surgeries and tens of thousands of patients whose owners have trusted us.

Before the first visit fill in the Patient Card

After making an appointment to the first visit we encourage you to download the Patient Card, fill in the part “Patient’s Data” and send it back via e-mail, or print it and take it with you to the visit.

What can you expect from us ?


Long waiting in a doctor’s office is a nightmare not only for you but also, and mainly, for your pets and our patients. Northern Poland Animal Eye Center Lew does its best to keep the appointments. Failures to do that can only happen in a result of some extraordinary situations when we have to deal with post-accidents patients in emergency state, or with severe pain, when immediate help is needed. In such situations we may have to reschedule the appointments for which we apologize and ask for your consideration.

Stress-free ophthalmologic examination

NPAEC Lew has introduced the procedures of a stress-free ophthalmologic examination of animals. In most of the cases the ophthalmologic examination is non-invasive, however, it requires close contact with various instruments. Proper approach to the examined animal provides the minimum level of stress and maximum information gained from the examination


Correct and complete understanding of the nature and specifics of your pet’s disease, together with methodical adherence to recommendations on therapy are the basis for effective treatment. Constructive cooperation between the ophthalmologist and the pet’s owner helps to get satisfying results and shorten the time of the treatment. Northern Poland Animal Eye Center and dr Lew will exercise the utmost care to answer all the questions in a straightforward and satisfactory way.