Okulistyka Weterynaryjna Marcin Lew

+48 606 917188, +48 515 147 177, Olsztyn, ul. Martyniaka 8 (wejście od ul. Wawrzyczka) okulistyka.lew@gmail.com

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Veterinary Ophthalmology

Northern Poland Animal Eye Center Lew


Northern Poland Animal Eye Center Lew

Our references are backed with years of practice, thousands of performed surgeries and tens of thousands of patients whose owners have trusted us.

Our center specializes in veterinary ophthalmology. We were the first in Poland to implement the ERG examination, optimize biometry for best outcomes in cataract surgery and perform an implantation of glaucoma filtration device. Moreover, we were the first in this part of Europe to perform vitreoretinal surgery. Northern Poland Animal Eye Center Lew has been created to improve the quality of life for animals. We understand the special role your dog, cat, or other animal plays in your life, often becoming an integral part of your family.

Animal Eye Center Lew provides our patients with complex eye care

We offer a full range of diagnostics: gonioscopy, tonometry, pachymetry, USG, ERG (electroretinography), fluorescein angiography and modern eye microsurgery. We operate on state-of-the-art cataract phacoemulsification device as well as vitrectomy. We use microscopic optics for precise eyelids surgery, corneal reconstruction with transplantation, and glaucoma treatment. We have internationally authority to certification of hereditary eye diseases.

Welfare and safety of our patients

Animal Eye Center Lew is equipped with two treatment rooms and a large modern operating room, designed for maximum patients comfort. Patient monitory system provides comfort and safety during a surgery. Moreover, we have a spacious medical examination room designed for ophthalmic diagnostic procedures, technical block and an intimate waiting room. Our center can be accessed via a charming garden path leading from the gate to the main entrance.

Okulistyka Weterynaryjna Marcin Lew
Okulistyka Weterynaryjna Marcin Lew

Before the first visit fill in the Patient Card

After making an appointment to the first visit we encourage you to download the Patient Card, fill in the part “Patient’s Data” and send it back via e-mail, or print it and take it with you to the visit. Please bring a clean blanket or towel to patients for surgery.

Ophthalmological diagnosis

Direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy, slit lamp biomicroscopy, tonometry, USG, ERG and VEP examinations.

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Hereditary eye diseases

Genetic diagnosis of hereditary eye diseases, progressive retinal atrophy, rod-cone dystrophy.

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Eyelid surgery

Corrections of congenital eyelid defects, lacrimal system and ocular adnexa. Reconstructions of eyelids and adnexa after injuries.

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Corneal surgery

Corneal microsurgery with transplantation. Conjuctival and corneal autograft.

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Cataract surgery

Cataract removal using phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation.

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Glaucoma treatment

Glaucoma is an eye disease in course of which the sight is progressively lost.

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