Okulistyka Weterynaryjna Marcin Lew

+48 606 917188, +48 515 147 177, Olsztyn, ul. Martyniaka 8 (wejście od ul. Wawrzyczka) okulistyka.lew@gmail.com

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About me

Assoc. Prof. Marcin Lew DVM, PhD, Dipl. EESVO


About me

2000 – veterinary surgeon diploma 2003 – PhD on minimally invasive surgery 2003 – specialization of veterinary surgery on University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław, Poland 2012 – thesis for the degree of associate professor of ophthalmology – diagnostics and microsurgery of glaucoma

  • EESVO certified HED examiner (hereditary eye diseases)
  • vice-president of East European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology
  • A member of European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology
  • A member of Polish Society of Veterinary Sciences
  • A member of Ophthalmology Section of the Polish Small Animal Veterinary Association
  • Conducting trainings and specialization courses for veterinary surgeons in the field of ophthalmology and surgery within post-degree studies: Veterinary Surgery and Diseases of Dogs and Cats
  • Qualifications to examine and certify congenital and hereditary eye diseases
  • The author of over 80 scientific publications and articles
  • Completion of specialization courses of SSVO (Swedish Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology) within Nordic Eye Meeting on eye microsurgery and ESVO (European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology) in Germany
  • Completion of specialization courses of DSVO (Danish Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology) on cataract surgery in Denmark, BrAVO (British Association of Veterinary Ophthalmology) in England and Germany
  • Completion of specialization courses on glaucoma surgery in France and Germany
  • Completion of specialization courses of ECVO on electroretinography in Germany and Ireland
  • Taking part in numerous internships and conferences in Poland and abroad
  • Organisation and conduct of the first in Poland symposium and workshop: “Eye electrophysiology – ERG examination”
  • The author of the national screening program of early diagnosis and the treatment of glaucoma
  • Clinical profile – ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery

Selected publications