Okulistyka Weterynaryjna Marcin Lew

+48 606 917188, +48 515 147 177, Olsztyn, ul. Martyniaka 8 (wejście od ul. Wawrzyczka) okulistyka.lew@gmail.com

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Cataract treatment

Northern Poland Animal Eye Center Lew


Cataract is a progressive and irreversible eye disease, inevitably leading to blindness. It begins with spots and clouding within lenses, which progressively affect their entire area, which prevents transmission of the light to the retina and as a consequence decreases the sight.

Our Centre is equipped with the state-of-the-art instruments to cataract surgery using modern phacoemulsification technique. After removing it, we implant a new intraocular lens, which restores correct vision.

Surgical treatment of cataract with the use of modern equipment for phacoemulsification.